
lunes, 24 de febrero de 2014

Optional acivity / Actividad opcional para inglés

You can make a poster in which you include the parts/rooms of the house (attic, bedroom, bathroom, living room, dining room, kitchen, garden, garage, basement, hall...)
You can also add the vocabulary we are learning in unit number 6 (painting, bed, lamp, shelf...)


Podéis hacer un poster en el que aparezcan las habitaciones de la casa y el vocabulario que estamos viendo en la unidad 6. Incluir dibujo más palabra escrita.



Parts of the house


Game- rooms

Room maker

This is Alejandra's poster! Well done Alejandra! :)

This is Celia's Rodríguez idea! She has brought a toy house! AWESOME!!

This is Laura's poster! :) I love it!!!!
This is Madalina's house!! :) good job!
Another beautiful house....Sofia's poster! very good!
Daniela's house. Really original

Judit's house :)

 Tirso's house. Well done :)

Very good Estela!
Adrián!!! :)
Mario!! Great job!

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