
viernes, 29 de abril de 2016


We had lots of fun!!

The kids created their stories and made their own puppets!

Take a look!

martes, 19 de abril de 2016


These are more videos we are enjoying in class. They help us to learn new concepts.

Count by 3's

count by 10's

place value

polygon song


3D shapes

If you want to see more videos click on MATH in "ETIQUETAS".

miércoles, 6 de abril de 2016

Stanley visita el colegio INFANTA LEONOR!!!

Yesterday, our friend Stanley started his journey to Spain!!! In some days, he will arrive to INFANTA LEONOR SCHOOL!!! He is so excited, and he can not wait to meet you all !!!!

Please, treat him well and show him around your school and town! He wants to see everything!! He wants to learn things from you!!!

(Perdonad las faltas de ortografia). En primero hemos leido este libro "Flat Stanley", y se nos ocurrio hacer una actividad con el colegio de Spain. Hemos mandado en un sobre a Stanley, con una copia del libro, fotos de nuestras clases y una carta. 
Estamos deseando que Stanley llegue a su destino y recibir nosotros noticias desde el colegio Infanta Leonor!!

Un abrazo fuerte a tod@s!

martes, 5 de abril de 2016